Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome back Whitney Houston

最近朋友还问我又没听什么新歌, 这才发觉还真没去留意。赶快上网搜查。。啊。。WhitneyHouston 发新专辑了。。多久她已没发新专辑。。。主打歌 “I look to you",
听了一遍又一遍。。。心里一直都会有感伤的情绪。。她的声音已没像以往那样迷人和powerful。拿“Iwill always love you" 比较, 真的很大分别。再看她现场唱新歌, 发觉她唱得很吃力。 真可惜, 毒品可能伤害了她的嗓音。那么好的嗓音就被毁了。。。。但还是很开心她能重新站起来。祝福她。

I look to you - Whitney Houston

As I lay me down
Heaven hear me now
Im lost without a cause
After giving it my all

Winter storms have come
And darkened my sun
After all that I've been through
Who on earth can I turn to

I look to you
I look to you

After all my strength is gone
In you I can be strong

I look to you
I look to you


And when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song

I look to you

After losing my breath
There's no more fighting left
Sinking to rise no more
Searching for that open door

And every road that I've taken
Lead to my regret
And I don't know if Im gonna make it
Nothing to do but lift my head

I look to you
I look to you


And when all my strength is gone
In you I can be strong

I look to you
I look to you

Oh yeah

And when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song

I look to you

(my levies have broken, my walls have come)

Coming down on me

(crumbling down on me)

All the rain is falling

(the rain is falling, defeat is calling)

Set me free

(i need you to set me free)

Take me far away from the battle
I need you
Shine on me

I look to you
I look to you

After all my strength has gone
in you I can be strong

I look to you
I look to you

and when melodies are gone
In you I hear a song

I look to you


I look to you
I look to you

MTV video - official music video

Live Performance

(If you like it, please support her , buy her new album)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


在韓國的生活,也沒什麽特別。。。一日復一日, 天天都一樣,早出晚歸, 上課,研究,吃飯,睡覺。。。這就是研究生一般的生活。。 唯一的樂趣就是上網看戯, 又省錢呢, 呵呵。。。。。

我的研究一直都沒什麽進展,眼看時間一天天流逝, 心急得像熱鍋上的螞蟻。。。我得想個辦法。。還有,手頭上兩張論文得趕快完成。。。


Sunday, August 2, 2009


记得当年四年级,爸爸把一颗干电池和一颗小灯泡用电线连接起来时, 我是那么的惊讶:怎么会发光!?从那天开始,我几乎所有的零用钱就花在买干电池、电线、马达、锯子、万能胶、刀片、电焊枪等零件或工具。 六年级那年 UPSR考了全部A, 爸爸奖赏我一辆登山脚车。我自己照顾脚车,自己弄些小修理。 从脚车开始,我接触机械工程。 我没有玩跳格子、抓豹虎、打小鸟;没有游戏机、 追漫画、随身听, 我的娱乐就是一个人躲在房间里设计电动或者其他小玩意儿,然后在有限资源的情况下解决一些制造难题。



老婆很久以前就花了很多心思准备好了这个网页, 放了我最喜欢的飞机,我们都喜欢的歌等等。朋友看过这个网页后, 很多人的反应就是:“怎么老公没有说说话?” 当然,原因有两个。第一,我不善于表达我自己,很多时候写了一点东西,左看右看好像都没有完全正确地表达我要说的话。 也许我要求完美, 就直接不写了。第二,我太专心做自己的事情,而忽略了身边有趣但是对生活没有什么重要的事情。偏偏这些小事是大家都感兴趣,然后会拿来做话题的。我只好当个听众吧。

Friday, January 23, 2009

Pepsi @ Coca-cola?

Pepsi is the best? But I still perfer the taste of coke over pepsi....How about you?

2008 Famous Song in Korea with Funny MTV

Wonder Girls - Nobody . Check this out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Christmas Eve Party in CBNU, Jeonju Korea

Such a special day , we decided to have a special party in an open air compound ( below zero degree Celsius, location: in front of new canteen). This party including us, three people from Malaysia , two of my lab mates ( Ms Sneha and Dr. Sathish) from India and one special Korean guess. Before the day of party, we went Home Mart ( also named as Tesco) to buy all cooking materials for that night, sure including alcoholic beverage and raw Sam-Gyup-Sal. It is cheaper than if we eat in a restaurant.

In Korea dishes, vegetables wrapped grilled meat is very famous, especially thick pork strips (삼겹살, Sam-Gyup-Sal ).Normally meat is cooked on a grill with mushrooms, garlic, onions or kimchi ( not necessary ). Then a slice of cooked Sam-Gyup-Sal is wrapped using leafy vegetabels. Dweejang, kimchi, onion or other side dished also can added.

For this event, we mixed the Sam-Gyup-Sal with special liquor and red wine. The taste really fantastic.

Korea beer (맥주, Mek-Ju, prefer " Hite") and traditional rice liquor (소주, Soju) are very famous alcoholic beverages, as a part of their life. Normally, they pratice " 3 steps drink" (3 차 ) . What is " 3 steps drink"? Mean 1st time drink during dinner time (1 차 ). Then they will continue drink in nearest pub (2 차 ). After 1-2 hours, then chnage another pub and continue drink (3 차 ). This is Korean special culture. Can you imaging they can drink like water. We, Malaysian always pratice drink milk tea ( Teh Tarik) or Cocoa with sugar ( Milo Kosong) in mamak store during night time. But Korean only drink beer or rice liquor. ( beer and rice liquor are very cheap in Korea as local made)

Photo Viewer

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Useful Software for Checking and Updating Hardware Driver

A big problem when formatting computer without drivers copy. Yes, nowadays there is very easy by searching via Internet. But take times and if we do not know the hardware name and model we used. ( mother board, display card, sound card, etc.)

I still remember a computer technical was used a kind of software to detect the name and model of devices. But we still need time to search their drivers via Internet.

In Korea, I found out a freeware named 3DP chip. It is very useful, not only check out your devices name , but also allow you to download updated driver from it's link.
It is very easy and free to use. Try it out. You will love it!!!


For more detail, check it out. You also can download it from this link as below.
3DP Chip v9.01 beta12 (Eng)